Drawing 440: 100 Drawings

For this assignment we had to complete 100 small drawings. When I heard this announcement I all but had a heart attack, knowing how I struggled with completing the 50 small drawings last semester. For these small 100 drawings you could pretty much draw whatever you were interested in, as long as there was some method behind the madness that was being created. Some of my classmates chose a certain theme, some chose a specific material. I chose to stick with a nature theme. Over my time being an artist I have discovered that I really do not in anyway enjoy drawing humans, faces, bodies, etc. I do however love drawing/ painting landscapes, objects in nature, animals etc. So this is what I chose to do. When I was doing my ink pen drawing, one component included an alligator. This alligator was the bomb.com and I loved working on it. From studying how its scales moved with it's body, to discovering all the different textures that this creature had on it. In a way I became texture obsessed with my ink drawing and wanted to include as many rare and unique ones that I could find. By doing this I discovered so many interesting and cool textures in nature, but I did not want all of them in my ink drawing. So I decided thats what I would do for my 100 drawings. All of the imagery I used in my 100 drawings was zoomed in. I studied a lot of macro photography for inspiration/ reference. For  material I chose to use ink, water color, and a variety of sharpies in different sizes. These are my favorite materials to create work in, and it lets me be loser too and not so precise. Sometimes I get carried away with the sharpie though and tend to make big bold outlines which can look cartoonish. I think part of this reason is that I am very inspired by tattoos and the precise line work that they showcase. I know this project was really supposed to get ideas flowing for our independent projects, but honestly I am still kind of stuck with what I want to do. I wish doing these would have sparked some type of awesome idea in my brain, but as of now I have nothing. I'm really looking forward to out next project and I plan on working with fire and burning. Although I know this is technically still drawing, I'm hoping the little break from using traditional materials will help me get of out this rut and excited for my independent project.


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