Ink Drawing Drawing 440

My last blog post on this assignment was an "in progress" post. Unfortunately I guess this one is as well. Although I worked on this piece tirelessly since the last time I posted, I was unable to completely finish it. There is no one to blame but myself and yes I am very disappointed.  I am trying as best as I can to manage all of my classes and work and projects, but ultimately it feels like I'm drowning in work and can't stay on top. I've really got to figure something out soon, because I know my grades are going to begin to suffer, much like my sleep and health already have. There is no worse feeling than turning in an uncompleted piece, especially when you know your professor expects more out of you. I wish I was the kind of person that could BS a project and be okay turning it in that way, but I simply can't. This is why I often underestimate how much time I really need. Although I did not finish this project, there are still many things I am proud of. My favorite part without a doubt is the alligator. This dude took me out 13 hours to work on. I know that seems like an absolutely ridiculous amount of time to work on just an alligator, but as I said I cannot BS my artwork and I wanted it to turn out perfectly. I studied my reference picture intently making sure each aspect and curve and marking turned out correctly. My next favorite part of this piece is the eye. Although it may have looked like a roll of toilet paper at first, I think it turned out pretty bomb. I also felt like this took me forever to do because I kept going back and reworking the shape over and over and over. I felt like each time I thought it was right, I changed my mind soon after. Another example of this insanity is the mountains in my piece. I fully drew them out and erased them not one, not two, but THREE times. I just felt like every time I was ready to ink them in, I noticed something was off and would completely erase and start from scratch. I think part of this is me not being confident in my work all the time. For this ink drawing, and my last one, the hardest part for me was deciding what what I was going to do. What marks I was going to make, was it going to be solid or shaded, was there going to be a specific pattern? And fun fact: not being confident in what you're doing and being scared adds a lot more time on. I really need to work on that, as in being more confident and not over analyzing every little thing. I think it's okay to pay attention to detail and be meticulous, but I tend to take it to the extreme and then I suffer. One thing I did want to make sure of however, is that my piece was one of the most detailed pieces that would be seen. For this reason I chose objects that included a variety of textures and shapes. I did not simply want to just have some basic ink shading. I wanted shape, texture, shading, bold marks, soft marks, the whole nine yards.  I think this piece has the ability to be one of the best pieces I've ever created, I just need more time to make it as awesome as possible. I an anxiously awaiting until I have it returned to me so I can finish it. I hate this feeling of disappointment, and hope to make up for it and prove myself as a top student in this class. 


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