Drawing 440: In Progress Ink Drawing

As this semester rolled around, I was optimistic that I would have achieve success as I had the past semester. However, although this semester is just starting to get into the swing of things, it's proving to be my hardest semester yet. My hardest class last semester undoubtedly was drawing 341. It was also my favorite class. This semester I am taking drawing 440, which is similar in a sense but a little more challenging. My favorite project of all time last semester was the ink pen drawing. This semester I am doing that assignment again, however, I am doing it twice the size of last time. As I said previously this is proving to be my hardest semester I've had to date, and I am really struggling with time management (even more so than normal, which I didn't know was possible). Which is why I am not as far along in this project as I should be. When I started my second ink pen drawing I was having a difficult time coming up with a composition, and figuring out what I wanted to do. I was so impressed by my last one, that I knew I had to come up with something to top that. My last drawing had a theme and each element made sense. It had a scary underwater vibe with all the fixings including sirens, a kraken, a shipwreck etc. As I was trying to get inspiration for this project I kept trying to force myself to think in that way of "i need to come up with a theme". I had a few ideas but none prevailed. As I was doing my research I kept coming across cool photographs of oranges. I tried to think of ways to incorporate oranges but nothing was making sense. Finally after these oranges literally kept haunting me I decided to just sketch one in my sketchbook. Shayna had the brilliant idea (after she had seen me struggle for 2 classes) that instead of trying to focus so much on a "theme" like my piece, maybe just throw random things and make randomness my theme. I thought this was brilliant and started playing around with compositions. This past summer I did some doodling in one of my planners of an eye, and a rose, in ballpoint ink and they turned out pretty awesome.  I've always been kind of sad though that they were just tucked away in my planner, with no exposure to the world. For this reason I decided to incorporate an eye and a rose into this drawing to go with my random other things. The rose or roses will be coming out of the lightbulb,but you cannot see them as of now because I think I'm going to draw them just as I go, with no previous outlines. In my composition I also have an alligator, and some mountains and of course my weird melty oranges. I really enjoyed doing the parts of my last drawing that were super detailed and textured, which is why I chose so many textured elements for this one. I am excited to see the finished project and I hope it is just as impressive as my last.


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